The 'Mamo Life' Breast Cancer Screening Caravan Visits Hassan Belkhodja Hospital in Ras Jebel

Lung cancer

As part of the national breast cancer prevention campaign, the “مامو الحياة” screening caravan went to the Hassen Belkhodja hospital in Ras Jebel. This event, organized in collaboration with Nourane for Cancer Prevention and the National Office for Family and Population (ONFP), was held under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.

This initiative aims to raise awareness among women about the importance of early detection of breast cancer, by offering them free access to mammograms. The caravan's medical team, made up of qualified health professionals, mobilized to take care of the patients and provide them with tailored advice for prevention and monitoring of their health.

The partnership with Nourane and the ONFP strengthens the joint commitment to the fight against cancer and underlines the importance of prevention. Thanks to these actions, many women were able to benefit from essential screening to detect breast cancer early, a crucial step in improving the chances of recovery.

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